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    • 21 Sep 2024
    • 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM
    • In-Person

    Members and non-members are invited to join the FCM community in selfless service and work meditation Saturday, September 21 by participating in this Saturday's workday!

    We will begin the day together meeting under the pergola located between the Education Building and Great Cloud in preparation for our mindful work, with an orientation by work day leaders. There will be both indoor and outdoor tasks in need of our joyful attention. Please wear old clothes, sturdy closed-toe shoes and bring work gloves if you have them. Snacks and water will be provided.

    We encourage everyone to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person on our campus. Our safety protocols are based on CDC recommendations. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols.

    With metta,


    • 28 Sep 2024
    • 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
    • Unity of Naples, Celebration Hall
    • 35

    Please join us in Naples for a Forum for FCM members and nonmembers on Saturday, September 28 from 9:00 am  – 12:30 pm at Unity of Naples, 2000 Unity Way, Naples FL 34112. 

    Whether you are a new or experienced meditator, the event is an opportunity to support and deepen the practice of mindfulness and meditation, and to nourish the seeds of well being, inner peace and happiness in our lives.

    The morning will include sitting and walking meditation, mindful movements and song. This will be a chance for all of us to put down the busyness of our lives and to relax, refresh, and renew with the healing energy of mindfulness. The day is an opportunity to experiment with letting go of our stories and dramas about our lives and the world. Instead we will practice simply be present to, and nourished by, our actual experience in the present moment.

    The Forum will be held in-person only.

    Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols and plan to arrive between 8:30 and 8:45 am.

    There is a $10.00 fee to cover the rental cost of the facility.

    If you have any questions please contact Chris Lee Nguyen ( or Tony Pollit (

    • 02 Oct 2024
    • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
    • Online (FCM members)

    Please note: FCM Members can access the Death Cafe web page and the Zoom links by clicking here.

    Awareness of death and its inevitability is a key part of our Buddhist practice and yet the awareness often fades into the background with our busy lives. Death Cafes at FCM will be monthly drop-in opportunities to talk with other FCM members about death and dying. They will be held on the first Wednesday of each month from 7:00 to 8:30 pm via Zoom.

    Participating in Death Cafes will help members deepen their personal awareness of death, normalize conversations about death within our community, and make it easier to talk with our families and friends about this “elephant in the living room” fact of life.

    Through deep sharing and listening and open ended discussion, we will be able to reflect on the subjects of impermanence and death, and talk about whatever is on our minds, including our concerns, fears, questions and insights surrounding the topic of end of life.

    Death Cafes have become a widespread phenomena in Europe, America and Australia. Based on the work of  Bernard Crettaz, a Swiss sociologist and anthropologist, and championed by Jon Underwood in England, the basic idea of Death Cafes is that it is extremely valuable to simply talk about death. One of our members, Marilyn Warlick will be the FCM Death Cafe facilitator. 

    The group will meet the first Wednesday of each month on Zoom. You can drop-in to a Death Cafe for a one time experience or plan to come each month to talk about the important topic of death and dying. Please note that the group gatherings are intended as discussion groups rather than as grief support or counseling sessions. Please join us!

    If you have any questions, please contact Marilyn at

    • 07 Oct 2024
    • Online (FCM Members)

    October 7th – December 16th 2024

    We are starting our fall session for the Dharma Buddies Program, October 7 – December 16. FCM members have found this program a great way to help us set and remember daily intentions. These intentions water our aspiration with the support of a buddy whom you connect with briefly each day via text or email. Your buddy supports you in these daily intentions by being present to read and respond to your written intention. 

    An aspiration is a core heartfelt wish of how we want to live our lives. It is our north star, the underlying force that guides us to do what we do. An aspiration brings clarity and that helps us make decisions that bring us a happier life. We want to look deeply into our hearts to find our aspiration. Take time to reflect on your aspiration. An example of an aspiration is to be more mindful and aware in my daily life.

    Daily intentions water our aspiration. Visualize how your specific intention will materialize in your life each day. You want to decide where, when and how you will practice your intention. An intention to water an aspiration to be more mindful might be – During our family gathering today, I will be patient with the youngest attention seeking grandchild and respond with a calm understanding voice. Practicing your intention even for a short time each day is powerful. As your practice of intentions deepens, you will find yourself being aware of it in your thoughts, speech and actions more frequently. Remember intentions may change daily based on what is happening in your life but your aspiration stays constant.

    Dharma Buddy Commitments:

    • Please make a commitment to yourself and to your buddy to connect daily for the duration of this Dharma Buddy session, October 7 – December 16, 2024.
    • Reflect deeply on identifying your aspiration before meeting with your buddy.  Know your aspiration and share it with your buddy.  Aspiration example: I want to be more caring and compassionate to others.
    • Schedule an initial meeting to get to know your buddy.  This may take place on the phone (face time if possible) or in-person and may take longer than most of your connections.
    • Discuss the following at this initial meeting with your buddy:
    1. Share about yourself and what may have brought you to FCM.
    2. Share your aspiration, your heartfelt wish, of how you want to show up in your life.
    3. Discuss your understanding of how an intention waters the seeds of your aspiration.  Make sure both of you understand how to set specific intentions that identify where, when and how you will practice them depending on your daily schedule and activities. 
    4. Agree on a daily method of contact (text or email). You want to keep your responses short to keep the process of sharing intentions flowing daily.
    5. Discuss the time of day you will typically send your intentions?  Set a schedule which will work for both of you.  Many buddies do this first thing in the morning.
    • After your initial meeting start the next day setting your intention which supports your aspiration. Make sure your intention is concrete and identifies where, when and how you will practice your intention.  This small act of setting your intention daily is profound and will bring change in your life. 
    • You support each other by reading the daily intention and responding. This response can be a short response of encouragement or even just an emoji with a thumbs up.
    • Reflect daily before sleeping how that day’s intention helped to manifest your core aspiration.  This helps to keep you more honest and accountable with yourself and does not need to be shared with anyone.  If you forgot your intention, and this will happen, then you can start over again the next day with no judgement! 

    You may request a specific buddy but if you are in an intensive class, please select someone in your intensive.  When asking for a specific buddy, both buddies must send an email to

    If you are registered for the Mindful Living Path Intensive (MLP): Emotional Healing, you will automatically be paired with a buddy in this intensive. You DO NOT need to register separately for the Dharma Buddies program if you are registered for this intensive. 

    Please note that participation in the Dharma Buddies Program is open only to FCM members. There is no fee for this opportunity to “buddy up”.  Registration will be open until September 29,2024. 

    If you have any questions, contact Evie Haseman

    • 11 Oct 2024
    • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    • Tampa Center

    Cave in the Snow, the Life of Tenzin Palmo

    This is a documentary about the remarkable life of Tenzin Palmo, who is the most senior Tibetan-tradition nun in the world at present. She was born as Diane Perry in 1943 in Woolmers Park and brought up in tough circumstances in Bethnal Green, London. Becoming a Buddhist at age 18 she moved to India a couple of years later, and in 1964 was ordained as a srama?eri under the guidance of her root guru, Khamtrul Rinpoche. She took higher ordination in the Chinese tradition in Hong Kong in 1973, and after working for several years in Rinpoche’s monastery, moved into solitary retreat in 1976.

    This was in a very remote area of Lahul in India, and is where she lived and practiced for the following twelve years, until it seems she was expelled from India for overstaying her visa. She spent the next few years giving talks and fundraising in order to build a nunnery where women would be able to get the same sort of training which was commonly available for males.

    Her Dongyu Gatsal Ling Nunnery was finally opened in 2000, and since then has gone on to be one of the main supports for female monastics in the Tibetan tradition.

    The documentary consists mainly of Tenzin’s recollections, thoughts and aspirations, along with appropriate photographs, and the occasional interview with others who were influential in her life.


    After the film, we will show a more recent, 13 minute interview with Tenzin Palmo and learn of the current effects of this Venerable’s efforts.

    Members and guests invited. Light snacks and drinks provided.

    • 12 Oct 2024
    • 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
    • In-Person and Online

    FCM's Days of Mindfulness are offered both In-Person at the Tampa Practice Center and Online. Whether you are a new or experienced meditator, our Days of Mindfulness are an opportunity to support and deepen the practice of mindfulness and meditation, and nourish the seeds of well being, inner peace and openness in our lives.


    The day will be a chance for all of us to put down the busyness of our lives and to relax, refresh, and renew with the healing energy of mindfulness. The day is an opportunity to experiment with letting go of our stories and dramas about our lives and the world. Instead we will practice simply be present to, and nourished by, our actual experience in the present moment. 

    We encourage everyone in the Tampa Bay vicinity to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person in our Meditation Hall. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols and plan to arrive by 8:30 am.

    If joining us online, the link to Zoom information will be provided once you register. We provide guidance to help you make the experience at home as close as possible to an experience in the Meditation Hall.

    When you register indicate your choice of participation In-Person or Online.  While there is no fee for participation, the traditional practice of Dana (generosity) is appreciated. Please register to receive important information about your In-Person or Online Zoom attendance.  

    If you have any questions please contact Rita Cathey at

    • 17 Oct 2024
    • 7:30 PM - 8:45 PM
    • In-Person and Online

    At FCM we celebrate the full moon each month with an evening devoted to meditations that help us develop and cultivate the mind of kindness, friendship and compassion towards all beings. During the guided meditation, we will practice embracing ourselves and others with thoughts of unconditional kindness, compassion, and support, and then to extend those feelings with well wishes for peace, happiness and an end to suffering for everyone in the world.

    It has long been part of Buddhist tradition to honor and celebrate the arrival of the full moon. Legend has it that Shakyamuni Buddha was born under a full moon, arrived at his enlightenment under a full moon, and passed into paranirvana under a full moon. In Zen the full moon reminds us of our Buddha nature or our essential wholeness and completeness.

    Our Full Moon Loving Kindness and Compassion evening will be from 7:30 – 8:45 pm. The evening will include guided loving kindness and compassion meditations, a short talk, and recitation of the Metta (Lovingkindness) Sutra and/or other music and altruistic readings. 

    We encourage everyone in the Tampa Bay vicinity to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person in our Meditation Hall. There is no need to register ahead of time. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols and plan to arrive by 7:15 pm.


    If joining us online, the link to Zoom is below. The event is suitable for both beginners and experienced meditators. There is no formal advance registration; simply join us online on the Sangha Line shortly before 7:30 pm. 

    Zoom Links for FCM Sangha Line
    Video Link

    Dial-In # 1-646-558-8656
    Meeting ID# 329 624 3465

    • 19 Oct 2024
    • 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM
    • In-Person

    Members and non-members are invited to join the FCM community in selfless service and work meditation Saturday, October 19 by participating in this Saturday's workday!

    We will begin the day together meeting under the pergola located between the Education Building and Great Cloud in preparation for our mindful work, with an orientation by work day leaders. There will be both indoor and outdoor tasks in need of our joyful attention. Please wear old clothes, sturdy closed-toe shoes and bring work gloves if you have them. Snacks and water will be provided.

    We encourage everyone to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person on our campus. Our safety protocols are based on CDC recommendations. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols.

    With metta,


    • 19 Oct 2024
    • 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
    • Unity of Naples, Celebration Hall
    • 40

    Please join us in Naples for a Forum for FCM members and nonmembers on Saturday, October 19 from 9:00 am  – 12:30 pm at Unity of Naples, 2000 Unity Way, Naples FL 34112. 

    Whether you are a new or experienced meditator, the event is an opportunity to support and deepen the practice of mindfulness and meditation, and to nourish the seeds of well being, inner peace and happiness in our lives.

    The morning will include sitting and walking meditation, mindful movements and song. This will be a chance for all of us to put down the busyness of our lives and to relax, refresh, and renew with the healing energy of mindfulness. The day is an opportunity to experiment with letting go of our stories and dramas about our lives and the world. Instead we will practice simply be present to, and nourished by, our actual experience in the present moment.

    The Forum will be held in-person only.

    Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols and plan to arrive between 8:30 and 8:45 am.

    There is a $10.00 fee to cover the rental cost of the facility.

    If you have any questions please contact Chris Lee Nguyen ( or Tony Pollit (

    • 24 Oct 2024
    • 5:00 PM
    • 27 Oct 2024
    • 1:00 PM
    • In-Person Only

    with Fred Eppsteiner

    “Non-fear is the greatest practice in Buddhism.  
    It is the greatest gift we can offer to those we love.”  Thich Nhat Hanh

    Although the Buddha taught that everyone will experience a degree of anxiety and fear when they resist the impermanence and unpredictability of life, sincere Dharma students, new and old, often continue to struggle with long-standing fear-based emotional responses. Although longing to be happy and enjoy ease and well-being, they continue to be driven by strong habit energies of worry, anxiety, fear, self-doubt and even dread in their daily life.  

    Why do we invest so much energy into avoiding and running away from our fears? Why, when fear arises, do we look away, act out, repress, avoid, smooth over, take a pill, go to the mall, or read another book on Buddhism?

    Buddhism teaches that to free the mind from worry and fear, we can ’t simply deny or cover over its existence. Instead, we have to look deeply into their causes and overcome our dysfunctional thought patterns about life that create and nurture our fears. We need to practice mindfulness, calming, relaxation and insight to become intimate with these fears rather than trying to cast them out. By doing so, we discover a profound personal courage within. We now have a capacity to live a fearless life.

    During this three-day retreat, we will reflect and meditate deeply on the nature of the conscious and unconscious historical habit energies that drive our fear/anxiety responses to life. Dharma talks, guided meditations, experiential exercises and group dialogues will clarify for participants what nurtures and supports their self-created unhappiness and learn how to live a sane and mature emotional life. We will begin to integrate the reality of impermanence, transforming our view from one of resistance and fear to a deep appreciation of life’s wonders.

    This will be a silent retreat. The silence affords us the opportunity to deepen our meditative experience while absorbing the experiential meaning of the teachings and practices presented.

    New to retreating with FCM? Please visit our FAQs page.

    Who is this retreat for?

    This retreat will benefit those who have previously attended a weekend retreat with FCM or another community and who wish to explore and transform the fear-based views that limit them and block happiness.

    Retreat Logistics

    This retreat is in-person only (either staying overnight or as a commuter) participation at FCM’s Tampa Center. The retreat will begin with orientation at 5:00 pm on Thursday, October 24 and ends after lunch on Sunday, October 27. Participation is open to both FCM members and non-members.

    The fee for in-person participation is $270 for overnighters and $210 for commuters, with a $50 deposit required to apply.

    If you are not familiar with our campus, you may enjoy this short video tour.

    Please note: 

    • The deadline for application for this retreat will be September 26. Please understand that this application DOES NOT guarantee you a spot in the retreat; all acceptances are subject to Fred’s approval. 
    • We will notify all applicants by September 30 as to whether or not they have been accepted into the retreat. 
    • For those accepted, the balance of the fee will then be due by October 7, otherwise the spot will be given to another applicant.
    • Please click here to read FCM's Retreat Cancellation Policy.

    Retreat Scholarships are available; please click here to see FCM’s Retreat Scholarship Policy and for an Application, which needs to be submitted prior to the registration deadline for this retreat.

    The teachings are offered in the Buddhist tradition of Dana, wherein the teachers freely give of themselves to the students out of gratitude for what they’ve received from their teachers and a desire to be of service. The student’s response is also based on Dana, i.e. generosity that naturally flows from a sense of appreciation of the value of Dharma and gratitude to the living lineage. All retreat dana will go towards supporting the retreat teachers.

    The retreat registrar will be sending additional information to accepted registrants once registration is closed.

    Retreat Leader
    Fred Eppsteiner has been a student of the psychology of Buddhist meditation for over 40 years and was a psychotherapist for more than 30 years. He has trained extensively in the Buddhist meditative traditions the U.S. and Asia. He received permission to teach from Thich Nhat Hanh in 1994 and is the editor of two books: The Path of Compassion and Interbeing.

    For more information, please contact Angie at

    • 30 Oct 2024
    • 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
    • In-Person

    with John McHarris and Diana Fish

    Do you live in your thoughts about the past or worries about the future? Do your emotions often cause stress and confusion? Do you get carried away by dramas.

    Introduction to Mindfulness and Meditation is a four-week course designed to support the practice of mindfulness, helping us develop the skills and attention to be fully present to our lives in the present moment, and to touch each moment deeply. It is intended for those new to mindfulness and meditation, as well as for those who want to review the basics and establish a more consistent daily mindfulness and meditation practice. The course includes basic instruction as well as an exploration of practical ways to bring mindfulness into daily activities.

    Learning Objectives:

    • Systematically explore mindfulness of breathing, the body and physical sensations through sitting and walking meditation and the body scan practice.
    • Establish and maintain a daily meditation practice.
    • Practice mindful meditation to explore the emotions, thoughts, and overall awareness.
    • Apply mindfulness to difficult emotions and thoughts to avoid getting caught up in dramas.
    • Cultivate daily meditation and mindfulness practices so that mindfulness becomes an integral part of your daily life.

    This four-week course will begin on Wednesday, October 30 and November 6, 13 & 20 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Classes will be held in-person. The cost is $75 for all four sessions. If you have questions, please contact us at

    Class Instructors:

    John McHarris is a Dharma Instructor with the Florida Community of Mindfulness. He has been a student of FCM's teacher Fred Eppsteiner since 2011. John completed FCM's three year Dharma Transmission Group program, and is an ordained member of the Order of Interbeing. He has Co-led various FCM offerings such as the Introduction to Mindfulness and Meditation class, FCM Intensives, and Days of Mindfulness. John is the current Chair of FCM's Board of Directors. Although based in Naples, he's also a part-time Tampa resident; in conjunction with FCM's Residency program.

    Reverend Diana Fish, BCC, is an interfaith palliative care chaplain at BayCare’s Morton Plant Hospital in Clearwater, FL. Diana joined FCM upon moving to Florida and was ordained into the Order of Interbeing in 2019. In 2018 she was ordained as a Buddhist Chaplain by Roshi Joan Halifax, Abbott of Upaya Zen Center and author of Being with Dying. After completing Clinical Pastoral Education at Tampa General Hospital in 2019 she was hired as a Staff Chaplain. She received board certification by the Association of Professional Chaplains in 2021.

    • 02 Nov 2024
    • 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM
    • In-Person

    Members and non-members are invited to join the FCM community in selfless service and work meditation Saturday, November 2 by participating in this Saturday's workday!

    We will begin the day together meeting under the pergola located between the Education Building and Great Cloud in preparation for our mindful work, with an orientation by work day leaders. There will be both indoor and outdoor tasks in need of our joyful attention. Please wear old clothes, sturdy closed-toe shoes and bring work gloves if you have them. Snacks and water will be provided.

    We encourage everyone to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person on our campus. Our safety protocols are based on CDC recommendations. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols.

    With metta,


    • 06 Nov 2024
    • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
    • Online (FCM members)

    Please note: FCM Members can access the Death Cafe web page and the Zoom links by clicking here.

    Awareness of death and its inevitability is a key part of our Buddhist practice and yet the awareness often fades into the background with our busy lives. Death Cafes at FCM will be monthly drop-in opportunities to talk with other FCM members about death and dying. They will be held on the first Wednesday of each month from 7:00 to 8:30 pm via Zoom.

    Participating in Death Cafes will help members deepen their personal awareness of death, normalize conversations about death within our community, and make it easier to talk with our families and friends about this “elephant in the living room” fact of life.

    Through deep sharing and listening and open ended discussion, we will be able to reflect on the subjects of impermanence and death, and talk about whatever is on our minds, including our concerns, fears, questions and insights surrounding the topic of end of life.

    Death Cafes have become a widespread phenomena in Europe, America and Australia. Based on the work of  Bernard Crettaz, a Swiss sociologist and anthropologist, and championed by Jon Underwood in England, the basic idea of Death Cafes is that it is extremely valuable to simply talk about death. One of our members, Marilyn Warlick will be the FCM Death Cafe facilitator. 

    The group will meet the first Wednesday of each month on Zoom. You can drop-in to a Death Cafe for a one time experience or plan to come each month to talk about the important topic of death and dying. Please note that the group gatherings are intended as discussion groups rather than as grief support or counseling sessions. Please join us!

    If you have any questions, please contact Marilyn at

    • 08 Nov 2024
    • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    • FCM Center, Tampa FL

    Save the Date

    • 09 Nov 2024
    • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
    • In-Person and Online

    FCM's Days of Mindfulness are offered both In-Person at the Tampa Practice Center and Online. Whether you are a new or experienced meditator, our Days of Mindfulness are an opportunity to support and deepen the practice of mindfulness and meditation, and nourish the seeds of well being, inner peace and openness in our lives.


    The day will be a chance for all of us to put down the busyness of our lives and to relax, refresh, and renew with the healing energy of mindfulness. The day is an opportunity to experiment with letting go of our stories and dramas about our lives and the world. Instead we will practice simply be present to, and nourished by, our actual experience in the present moment. 

    We encourage everyone in the Tampa Bay vicinity to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person in our Meditation Hall. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols and plan to arrive by 8:30 am. Please bring your own vegetarian lunch. Water and tea will be provided.

    If joining us online, the link to Zoom information will be provided once you register. We provide guidance to help you make the experience at home as close as possible to an experience in the Meditation Hall.

    When you register indicate your choice of participation In-Person or Online.  While there is no fee for participation, the traditional practice of Dana (generosity) is appreciated. Please register to receive important information about your In-Person or Online Zoom attendance.  

    If you have any questions please contact Rita Cathey at

    • 15 Nov 2024
    • 7:30 PM - 8:45 PM
    • In-Person and Online

    At FCM we celebrate the full moon each month with an evening devoted to meditations that help us develop and cultivate the mind of kindness, friendship and compassion towards all beings. During the guided meditation, we will practice embracing ourselves and others with thoughts of unconditional kindness, compassion, and support, and then to extend those feelings with well wishes for peace, happiness and an end to suffering for everyone in the world.

    It has long been part of Buddhist tradition to honor and celebrate the arrival of the full moon. Legend has it that Shakyamuni Buddha was born under a full moon, arrived at his enlightenment under a full moon, and passed into paranirvana under a full moon. In Zen the full moon reminds us of our Buddha nature or our essential wholeness and completeness.

    Our Full Moon Loving Kindness and Compassion evening will be from 7:30 – 8:45 pm. The evening will include guided loving kindness and compassion meditations, a short talk, and recitation of the Metta (Lovingkindness) Sutra and/or other music and altruistic readings. 

    We encourage everyone in the Tampa Bay vicinity to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person in our Meditation Hall. There is no need to register ahead of time. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols and plan to arrive by 7:15 pm.


    If joining us online, the link to Zoom is below. The event is suitable for both beginners and experienced meditators. There is no formal advance registration; simply join us online on the Sangha Line shortly before 7:30 pm. 

    Zoom Links for FCM Sangha Line
    Video Link

    Dial-In # 1-646-558-8656
    Meeting ID# 329 624 3465

    • 23 Nov 2024
    • 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM
    • In-Person

    Members and non-members are invited to join the FCM community in selfless service and work meditation Saturday, November 23 by participating in this Saturday's workday!

    We will begin the day together meeting under the pergola located between the Education Building and Great Cloud in preparation for our mindful work, with an orientation by work day leaders. There will be both indoor and outdoor tasks in need of our joyful attention. Please wear old clothes, sturdy closed-toe shoes and bring work gloves if you have them. Snacks and water will be provided.

    We encourage everyone to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person on our campus. Our safety protocols are based on CDC recommendations. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols.

    With metta,


    • 23 Nov 2024
    • 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
    • Unity of Naples, Celebration Hall
    • 40

    Please join us in Naples for a Forum for FCM members and nonmembers on Saturday, November 23 from 9:00 am  – 12:30 pm at Unity of Naples, 2000 Unity Way, Naples FL 34112. 

    Whether you are a new or experienced meditator, the event is an opportunity to support and deepen the practice of mindfulness and meditation, and to nourish the seeds of well being, inner peace and happiness in our lives.

    The morning will include sitting and walking meditation, mindful movements and song. This will be a chance for all of us to put down the busyness of our lives and to relax, refresh, and renew with the healing energy of mindfulness. The day is an opportunity to experiment with letting go of our stories and dramas about our lives and the world. Instead we will practice simply be present to, and nourished by, our actual experience in the present moment.

    The Forum will be held in-person only.

    Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols and plan to arrive between 8:30 and 8:45 am.

    There is a $10.00 fee to cover the rental cost of the facility.

    If you have any questions please contact Chris Lee Nguyen ( or Tony Pollit (

    • 28 Nov 2024
    • 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
    • FCM Center, Tampa FL

    Save the Date

    • 07 Dec 2024
    • 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM
    • In-Person

    Members and non-members are invited to join the FCM community in selfless service and work meditation Saturday, December 7 by participating in this Saturday's workday!

    We will begin the day together meeting under the pergola located between the Education Building and Great Cloud in preparation for our mindful work, with an orientation by work day leaders. There will be both indoor and outdoor tasks in need of our joyful attention. Please wear old clothes, sturdy closed-toe shoes and bring work gloves if you have them. Snacks and water will be provided.

    We encourage everyone to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person on our campus. Our safety protocols are based on CDC recommendations. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols.

    With metta,


    • 14 Dec 2024
    • 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
    • In-Person and Online

    FCM's Days of Mindfulness are offered both In-Person at the Tampa Practice Center and Online. Whether you are a new or experienced meditator, our Days of Mindfulness are an opportunity to support and deepen the practice of mindfulness and meditation, and nourish the seeds of well being, inner peace and openness in our lives.


    The day will be a chance for all of us to put down the busyness of our lives and to relax, refresh, and renew with the healing energy of mindfulness. The day is an opportunity to experiment with letting go of our stories and dramas about our lives and the world. Instead we will practice simply be present to, and nourished by, our actual experience in the present moment. 

    We encourage everyone in the Tampa Bay vicinity to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person in our Meditation Hall. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols and plan to arrive by 8:30 am.

    If joining us online, the link to Zoom information will be provided once you register. We provide guidance to help you make the experience at home as close as possible to an experience in the Meditation Hall.

    When you register indicate your choice of participation In-Person or Online.  While there is no fee for participation, the traditional practice of Dana (generosity) is appreciated. Please register to receive important information about your In-Person or Online Zoom attendance.  

    If you have any questions please contact Rita Cathey at

    • 15 Dec 2024
    • 7:30 PM - 8:45 PM
    • In-Person and Online

    At FCM we celebrate the full moon each month with an evening devoted to meditations that help us develop and cultivate the mind of kindness, friendship and compassion towards all beings. During the guided meditation, we will practice embracing ourselves and others with thoughts of unconditional kindness, compassion, and support, and then to extend those feelings with well wishes for peace, happiness and an end to suffering for everyone in the world.

    It has long been part of Buddhist tradition to honor and celebrate the arrival of the full moon. Legend has it that Shakyamuni Buddha was born under a full moon, arrived at his enlightenment under a full moon, and passed into paranirvana under a full moon. In Zen the full moon reminds us of our Buddha nature or our essential wholeness and completeness.

    Our Full Moon Loving Kindness and Compassion evening will be from 7:30 – 8:45 pm. The evening will include guided loving kindness and compassion meditations, a short talk, and recitation of the Metta (Lovingkindness) Sutra and/or other music and altruistic readings. 

    We encourage everyone in the Tampa Bay vicinity to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person in our Meditation Hall. There is no need to register ahead of time. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols and plan to arrive by 7:15 pm.


    If joining us online, the link to Zoom is below. The event is suitable for both beginners and experienced meditators. There is no formal advance registration; simply join us online on the Sangha Line shortly before 7:30 pm. 

    Zoom Links for FCM Sangha Line
    Video Link

    Dial-In # 1-646-558-8656
    Meeting ID# 329 624 3465

    • 21 Dec 2024
    • 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
    • Unity of Naples, Celebration Hall
    • 40

    Please join us in Naples for a Forum for FCM members and nonmembers on Saturday, December 21 from 9:00 am  – 12:30 pm at Unity of Naples, 2000 Unity Way, Naples FL 34112. 

    Whether you are a new or experienced meditator, the event is an opportunity to support and deepen the practice of mindfulness and meditation, and to nourish the seeds of well being, inner peace and happiness in our lives.

    The morning will include sitting and walking meditation, mindful movements and song. This will be a chance for all of us to put down the busyness of our lives and to relax, refresh, and renew with the healing energy of mindfulness. The day is an opportunity to experiment with letting go of our stories and dramas about our lives and the world. Instead we will practice simply be present to, and nourished by, our actual experience in the present moment.

    The Forum will be held in-person only.

    Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols and plan to arrive between 8:30 and 8:45 am.

    There is a $10.00 fee to cover the rental cost of the facility.

    If you have any questions please contact Chris Lee Nguyen ( or Tony Pollit (

    • 24 Dec 2024
    • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    • FCM Center, Tampa FL

    Save the Date

Florida Community of Mindfulness, Tampa Center
6501 N. Nebraska Avenue
Tampa, FL 33604

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Naples Sangha

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